Appliance Repair Irving TX | Refrigerator Repair

Chest Freezer Buying Guide

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If you are thinking about buying a chest freezer, then you are always caught up with a few things to consider before you buy. If you put the best factors ahead, this essential piece for your home will give you what you exactly wanted in the first place. With all chest freezers not being the same, here are some things to consider when shopping for them.


Probably the most important factor to consider. There’s nothing worse than ordering a freezer and then finding it doesn’t fit in your space. Check the dimension and ensure it will fit in your intended space.

Freezer capacity

The capacity of the freezer determines how much food you can store in it. The dimensions of a freezer are usually measured in liters, although sometimes measured in cubic feet. The capacity you go for entirely depends on your preferences and the purpose of it. Most businesses go for the larger capacities to let them store large amounts of food.

Energy rating

Basically, energy rating is the amount of energy a freezer consumes over a year. The energy level comes with all chest freezers for you to check. Different energy ratings include A+++, A++, A+, A, B, C, and D. The specific energy level of the freezer can be any of these and always labeled on the paper, along with the amount consumed in kilowatts per year.

Outside storage

chest freezer

Most people keep chest freezers in garages and outside houses. But there are a few modern chest freezers that cannot be kept outside in a garage. However, some models can work in cooler temperatures, so you can safely store them in the outbuildings.

Check for the freezer’s specifications and compare them with the temperature ranges of the area you wish to store your freezer to help you determine whether it can work properly under the conditions.

Safety Features

Chest freezers should be equipped with some safety equipment like high-temperature warnings and door locks.

Most freezers are equipped with a temperature warning light to show you whether the inside of the freezer is too cold or too hot.

Some are also adding door locks to keep away children from the frozen environments.

Storage facilities

Checking the storage facilities such as baskets added in the freezer is important when you want to keep your chest freezer organized and allow easy access to food stored at the bottom.

Other features

1. Adjustable thermostat: This allows you to regulate the temperature for the freezer’s efficiency.

2. Replaceable lid gasket: Lid gasket needs to be replaced after years of service. Freezers that have replaceable lid gaskets make it easier for you to replace them when the time comes.

Need professional chest freezer repair services?

Irving Refrigerator repair service provides expert refrigerator repair services in Texas.

Give us a call @ (972) 200-9519 today and get our expert help.

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