Appliance Repair Irving TX | Refrigerator Repair

Refrigerator Service in Irving,TX

Refrigerator Service Irving TX
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Irving Refrigerator Repair is your ideal service partner in Irving for all your appliances. Appliance services involve an honest assessment of the machine’s condition and advise the customer of the best course for its repair and replacement. Appliances like refrigerators last very long but can develop snags that can be rectified through refrigeration Service and full functioning can be restored. When you call us up for servicing your refrigerator, keep the following points in consideration.

Points to Ponder

How Old is Your Refrigerator?

Top brands offer a warranty of 1 year from the date of purchase with extended warranty for the compressor alone. The compressor is a critical part of the refrigerator. If it fails, you may have to replace the refrigerator itself unless the manufacturer agrees to replace it free of cost under warranty. So, one of the first questions our technician will want to know is when was your refrigerator bought.

Refrigerator Needs to be Maintained

As the user, you must spend some time ensuring your refrigerator is well maintained. This means cleaning the inside and outside once in a month and cleaning the rubber beading that runs along with the doors and so on. You cannot just leave the machine unattended and hope that nothing will happen to it. Just read through the user manual supplied when you bought the refrigerator.

Don’t Try Your Half-Baked DIY Ideas

Refrigerators are expensive and sensitive machines. Unless you are thoroughly knowledgeable, it is not prudent to fiddle with it by yourself. Leave it to the professional appliance repair company like Irving Refrigerator Repair to handle it. Checking if is properly connected to the power source is fine, but opening up any part or attempting other refrigerator repair work on your own can damage the machine.  

Calling in the Professional Refrigeration Repair Agency

You may also call us whenever your refrigerator fails to cool. There is a light inside the refrigerator that glows when you open the door. If the light does not glow, it does not mean the refrigerator is not functioning. The light bulb may have fused and can be replaced. There are other ways of knowing if your refrigerator is functioning or not. We will be able to guide you through them before being certain that the machine has stopped working.

Our technician will use his tools to go through the checkpoints and will know the nature of the problem. Sometimes, regular cooling may be working fine but you might need freezer service done.

Refrigerator Service Irving TX
Refrigerator Service, Irving TX

We will schedule the timing for the visit of our technician to come over and check the refrigerator at your location. You tell us when it is convenient and we will send our team accordingly.

There are cases where the refrigerant gas may have leaked. It is not uncommon. Once the gas is refilled, the machine will resume its cooling function.

At this stage, our technician will fill in the details in the job sheet he is carrying and put down the details of the refrigerator repair to be undertaken and the cost.

It’s your turn then to study the sheet and approve it. The appliance repair will be carried out accordingly.    

We appreciate how important it is for you that the refrigerator is up and cooling with the least loss of time. We try and finish the work on the same day. Since the machine will be pulled away from the power source for repair and re-plugged, it may take some time before the refrigerator reaches the cool temperatures.

Cost of Refrigerator Repair

Cost is a key consideration while getting the refrigerator repair work done. You can rest assured that at Irving Refrigerator Repair, we are conscious of this fact. We quote only what is reasonable for the job carried out. When parts of a refrigerator are replaced, their cost is billed as it is and the labor fee for our technician attending to the refrigeration repair is added separately. We also offer a complete guarantee on the parts we fit into your refrigerator.

Refrigerator Service Irving TX
Refrigerator Service in Irving,TX

We are the leading refrigerator repair services agency in Irving and would want to continue with our legacy for the years to come. We value our relationship and would be keen on maintaining a good relationship with you. If you have already availed our service, we would recommend you to share your experience of using Irving Refrigerator Repair with your friends so that they will also benefit from our best quality services.

We will make sure you are happy with our service and want you to return to us for any kind of appliance services you need including small appliance repair.

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